HUB-IN is an EU funded project that wants to transform and regenerate Historic Urban Areas (HUAs) while preserving their unique cultural and social identity and the environment.
Eight city pilots will work on their selected historic area and transform it in a “Hub of Innovation and Entrepreneurship” by co-developing new business models and innovative solutions that will bring together sustainability and cultural heritage. HUB-IN cities will develop actions plans for their HUA based on the needs and values of the local community, according to the principles of circular and sharing economy. They will make sure local stakeholders and citizens will be able to contribute to the regeneration of their HUA by using engagement methods, innovative tools and developing alternative financing models and acceleration programs for start-ups.
With eight Historic Urban Areas of diverse geographic locations, socio-economic characteristics and local ecosystems, a rich and fertile ground for cross-fertilisation is present. Intracity and intercity collaboration and co-learning is at the heart of HUB-IN. The opportunity to network, learn from and work with other cities and stakeholders in the project will increase the capacity of teams and intensifies the transfer of knowledge, strengthening both the HUB-IN network and the results more locally.
Welcome to your HUB-IN Place, a Historic Urban Area in your city or town full of exciting opportunities for everyone. Right now it might not bereaching its full potential, but soon it will be a revitalised, vibrant destination,home to a range of innovative and creative entrepreneurs and businesses!
We want to
Reverse trends
of abandonment and neglect of historic heritage
new sustainable opportunities for local traditional businesses
new creative skills and jobs
What do we mean with Historic Urban Areas?

Historic town or city centres
These will typically include:- a range of uses that support the wider social, economic, and cultural needs of the town, city and/or region.
- several generations of buildings and monuments of architectural and historic interest that have largely retained their original architectural and cultural authenticity and integrity.

Historic areas which are outside of the town or city centre
These will typically be part of medium and larger towns and cities and include:- single use areas reflecting a particular land use e.g., historic industrial buildings where the buildings retain their heritage value.
- mixed use neighbourhoods or districts located beyond the main centre but in other respects display many of the same characteristics as town and city centres.

Historic areas that focus on the wider urban values that define the identity and character of the town, city, or place
These historic urban landscapes can include:- historic areas within and outside town centres outlined above but where the heritage conservation and regeneration strategies are principally value driven.
- areas or large sites where the physical assets may have been lost over time but nevertheless embody values central to the cities’ historic, cultural, social, or economic identity.