
We unite project partners through co-creation and a human-connected-design approach, providing clear and integrated vision, through shared values and goals, agreed concepts and synchronised actions towards HUB-IN Places.

This approach will develop over the next months and years, together with our partners and eight pilot cities, who are at the start of their journey.

The HUB-IN approach

See how everything fits and plays together – with our HUB-IN framework

Our framework guides cities in the creation of HUBs of Innovation & Entrepreneurship in their historic urban areas and defines a common journey towards a HUB-IN place. It can support you in communicating with other local actors on the vision, values and goals behind their plans and actions to regenerate their areas together.

  1. Local heritage challenges – At the heart of it, piloting with eight cities and inviting follower cities.
  2. Historic urban areas in eight HUB-IN pilot cities and follower cities.
  3. Activities towards a HUB-IN place – The ways in which the HUB-IN Framework strategies, inputs and principles are being put into practice locally.
  4. HUB-IN ingredients – The key factors and considerations that are required to let innovative and entrepreneurial behaviour emerge and flourish in historic urban areas.
  5. HUB-IN clusters – Each HUB-IN Place focuses their innovation activities in areas where the three clusters meet and interact, for the heritage and cultural regeneration of historic urban areas.
  6. HUB-IN Principles – The aligned values across all HUB-IN Places and partners that guide our efforts, goals and ways of working.
  7. HUB-IN Alignment with European and International policy – Our approach integrates with and contributes to current international and European policies and standards

The journey towards a HUB-IN Place

Putting the framework into practice, collaborating and sharing throughout, historic urban areas will follow a common journey towards a HUB-IN Place, which is split into four key stages. – We invite you to see the four stages not as a linear step-by-step journey and rather as building blocks of activities that can be revisited, iterated and improved for shaping and re-shaping your HUBs path.

Stage 1 - State of Play

Understand the context, history and narrative of the city's or town’s historic urban area in order to identify its real and unique challenges, together with other local actors.

Stage 2 - Prepare for Set- up

Accelerate strategy building and ecosystem engagement. It’s the moment for the city team to co-define a vision for their HUB of Innovation & Entrepreneurship and consider options for its location.

Stage 3 - Launch and set- up

Time to launch, implement and pilot the HUB of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, introducing the community to their HUB and its offer through place-branding, communication and innovation activities, events and more.

Stage 4 - Learn and develop

A loop of testing ideas, measuring the success, iterations based on learnings, growing and regenerating, to make the HUB stronger.

Use the HUB-IN toolkit to apply this approach!

You will find a range of practical tools and guides to develop your city’s HUB of Innovation & Entrepreneurship